Accomplishment and referral to NitroFarm for Best Practices in Chemical Transportation Losadchem that was presented in Malta. (Best Practices in Chemical Transportation: here )
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Accomplishment and referral to NitroFarm for Best Practices in Chemical Transportation Losadchem that was presented in Malta. (Best Practices in Chemical Transportation: here )
Our fungicides Copperblau, Ramside and Ecoram are the reference products for Annex III step (core dossier) due to our excellent quality as well as the provided studies on all levels (toxicological, physical, chemical, environmental etc.).
A NitroFarm BoDs member has been elected in the TCCI BoDs for the next four years. Representation of TCCI at the Global Summit of Women 2012.
VoIP Installation in our headquarters as well as warehouse premises to connect remotely; following the technological evolution. Camera Installation with recording options -throughout day and night- in our premises for better control as well as […]